Daniel Harrison

500m sixth streetcrooktechcrunch

AvePoint, which makes cloud governance tools for Microsoft Office 365, Sharepoint, and more, raises $200M Series C led by TPG Sixth Street Partners

face 40m additiondillettechcrunch

Internal memo: CEO Evan Spiegel unveils Snap’s plans to grow its user base and revenue in 2023, including onboarding more users in their 30s and pushing AR ads

face 40m additiondillettechcrunch

An overview of Twitter and Elon Musk’s legal battle so far: the judge wants to focus the case on the contractual agreement, sparring over discovery, and more

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Greek neobank Viva Wallet, which targets small and medium merchants, raises $80M from Tencent and others

q4 3.8b yoy maus yoy

Apple reports a record $11.5B in Mac revenue for Q4, up 25% YoY, and sets “a quarterly record for upgraders”, but expects a YoY decline in Q1 2023

qa eic nilay the vergecai vanityfair

Q&A with EIC Nilay Patel on The Verge’s 10th anniversary, tech media’s advance from early breathless gadget reviews, subject-source relationships, and more

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UserGems, whose AI-based data mapping tech helps companies identify prospective customers for B2B sales, raises a $20M Series A led by Craft Ventures

10.1b yoy yoynovetcnbc

Researchers say infections by the Purple Fox botnet malware, first spotted in 2018, continue to rise thanks to a new technique that allows PC-to-PC spread

sources goodfellow alphabet deepmindgurmanbloomberg

Google’s Russian subsidiary plans to file for bankruptcy, saying it cannot pay employees, suppliers, and vendors after authorities seized its local bank account

sources goodfellow alphabet deepmindgurmanbloomberg

Acer unveils the SpatialLabs View and SpatialLabs View Pro, standalone external 15.6″ 4K monitors with its glasses-free stereoscopic 3D tech, starting at $1,099

tel avivbased cylus ibex 57m parktechcrunch

Tel Aviv-based Cylus, which provides cybersecurity tools for rail networks, raises a $30M Series B led by Ibex Investors, bringing its total funding to $57M+

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SEC filing: Voodoo PC founder Rahul Sood’s Irreverent Labs, which unveiled its NFT robot cock fighting game MechaFightClub in January 2022, raised $40M